Arduino IDE

Lately I have been working often with the Arduino IDE and I often use the "Serial Monitor" function and I realized that from version 2.X it is not possible to copy all the output but we can only copy short pieces of the log.

I have searched far and wide for a solution but it seems to be a widespread and many years old problem. 

Some users suggest installing an older version of the Arduino IDE, such as version 1.8 but I don't consider this a viable solution.

For a moment I thought, let's create a fork of the Arduino IDE and add the features I want, since I have all the knowledge to do it, but I can't for now, I don't have enough time to do it.

Precisely because of the lack of time available I asked myself how can I solve it?
And I answered myself, let's try to automate the interaction with Arduino IDE and for this process I chose to use the AutoIt scripting language. 

How do we normally copy the "Serial Monitor"? We select some lines and copy them to the clipboard.
So i write an AutoIt script to do it for you and save it into a text file.

1) Download the script CopySerialMonitor.au3 

2) Then install AutiIt

3) Open Arduino IDE, open your own project, enable SerialMonitor, run your project 

4) Normally I resize Arduino to full screen and I resize SerialMonitor to all Arduino IDE and have 33 lines of text in the window

5) Now I stop the SerialMonitor and I start the CopySerialMonitor.au3 script, then I activate the Arduino IDE and select the first character of the SerialMonitor and after about 10 seconds the script copies all the lines and saves everything in a text file.

You will probably have to adjust the amount of lines selected. For me it was 31 lines for the first selection and 33 lines for subsequent selections.

And at the end you will have the SerialMonitor.txt file with the entire console registered.


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